Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Superdelegate Updates! Obama +3, Clinton +1


The Obama Campaign released the names of four new superdelegates today, although one of them was leaked yesterday in the run-up to the vote counting in Indiana and North Carolina.

North Carolina Democratic Chair Jerry Meek and California DNC Superdelegate Inola Henry are both new superdelegates for Obama.

North Carolina DNC Superdelegate Jeanette Council was considered an Obama superdelegate after word leaked yesterday that she was going to support the Illinois Senator.

In another blow to the Clinton Campaign, the fourth superdelegate announced today for the Obama campaign comes from a superdelegate previously pledged to Senator Clinton. In a scene reminiscent of the Joe Andrew defection last week, Jennifer McClellan, a DNC superdelegate from Virginia, made public her switch from Clinton to Obama.


For Senator Clinton, another superdelegate has made his intentions known in her favor. Indiana congressmember Brad Ellsworth has reportedly followed through with his earlier intentions to support the candidate of his constituents, as Senator Clinton won both his district and the state.

So far today, Obama has picked up four superdelegates, although only three are "new", while Clinton nets one superdelegate, as the McClellan defection negates one of her two gains today.


Obama's lead is now 152.5 Total Delegates, and he is only 177 Total Delegates away from clinching the nomination.

Clinton still leads Obama in unpledged (super + add-on) delegates, with a total of 273.5 - 260.

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