Monday, April 28, 2008

Senator Bingaman (NM) endorses Senator Obama

According to the Obama Campaign's website, Senator Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico) has endorsed Senator Obama.

This latest endorsement adds another superdelegate to the Obama column, and makes the score 5-2 since the Pennsylvania primary.

Furthermore, this endorsement adds another elected officeholder to the Obama column.

Update to the some totals:

Superdelegate #228 for Obama (excluding add-on delegates)

Cuts Clinton lead in Superdelegates to 25 (excluding add-on delegates)

Cuts Clinton lead in unpledged delegates to 21 (superdelgates + add-on delegates)

Extends lead in TOTAL Delegates to 133

Reduces number of uncommitted superdelegates to 238

Obama increases lead over Clinton in elected officeholder superdelegates to seven (107-100).

Obama collects the 15th endorsement by a United States Senator of 32 available. Clinton stays at 10 in this category, with 7 undeclared.

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