Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More Endorsements for Obama as South Dakota Closes

Nine (9) superdelegates announced their endorsement or new endorsement as the South Dakota polls closed.

With this haul, Obama gains 7.5 superdelegates and Clinton loses a net 1.0, for a net gain of 8.5 superdelegates.

According to First Read:

Ed Smith (IL) -- Only Rep. Rahm Emanuel and an unfilled DNC seat remain in Illinois as supers

Frank Dixon (OR) -- DNC Super

Helen Knetzer (KS) -- DNC Super

Rep. Sam Farr (CA)

Mitch Ceasar (FL) -- DNC Super, half-vote

Rachel Binah (CA) -- DNC Super who switched from Clinton to Obama

Karen Hale (UT) -- DNC Super who switched from Clinton to Obama

Rep. Bob Filner (CA) -- Closes the gap in California to a 30-30 split of supers between Clinton and Obama, with 11 remaining.

And according to Ben Smith:

Wyoming superdelegate Cynthia Nunley endorses Senator Clinton

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