Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Delegate Update for May 6, 2008

In the aftermath of last night's election and the announcement of Congressman Shuler for Senator Clinton, it's time to update the delegate math.

Obama has a lead of 166 pledged delegates: 1688 - 1522.

Clinton has a lead of 17.5 superdelegates (add-on + super): 273.5 - 256

Obama has an overall lead of 148.5 total delegates: 1844 - 1695.5

Pledged Delegates Remaining: 217

Undeclared/Unnamed Add-On Delegates Remaining: 54

Undeclared *Automatic* Delegates Remaining: 211.5

*i.e. superdelegates minus add-on delegates

N.B. These totals were adjusted because the source, NBC News, had counted superdelegates from the Democrats Abroad pool as one delegate vote, instead of a half-delegate vote as designated for the National Convention.

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