Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another Superdelegate for Obama -- Richard Machachek (IA--DNC)

Just as suspected, another superdelegate announces for Obama today.

This time it is Richard Machacek, a party offical in Iowa, who apparently was influenced by the results of his district, county and state for Obama.

Before today the count of superdelegates breaking for Obama since Pennsylvania was 5-2. As of now, it is 7-3.

This development should be a bit concerning for the Clinton camp. Either, as conventional wisdom would dictate, Obama can afford to release more than one superdelegate a day to keep momentum going for his campaign into the May 6th contests, signifying a healthy reserve of superdelegates in stock...

...or, even worse for the Clinton campaign, this announcement is an unprompted declaration, which might signify a growing weariness within the Democratic Party among superdelegates over this race and a desire to maintain the pledged delegate results as the metric of choice for superdelegate decisions.

Let's see if the Clinton campaign can hit back with another endorsement sometime today.

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